Courses for visiting, study abroad or exchange students

English for Academic Purposes level 1 (EAP1)

This 20-credit course reviews essential English language and academic skills to support undergraduate study. Listening, reading and speaking are all practised with a strong focus on seminar discussions, researching and writing academic assignments typically found in, but not exclusive to, Arts and Social Sciences. It runs in both Semester 1 and Semester 2. 

It may be used as proof of English for entry to postgraduate programmes in a number of the University's Schools.

Requirements of Entry

Overall IELTS 6 or language proficiency at this level, or basic level of English adequate to cope with undergraduate study. Not suitable for students with IELTS 7 (or equivalent) or higher in writing.

The course is open to visiting, study abroad or exchange students; or international, whose first language is not English.

For more information

For more information on aims and assessment:

Visit the University Course Catalogue for EAP 1 Semester 1 EAS1001

Visit the University Course Catalogue for EAP 1 Semester 2 EAS1002


Access the University Course Catalogue and enter EAS1001 for semester 1 or

EAS1002 for semester 2.

English for Academic Purposes level 2 (EAP2)

This 20-credit course introduces basic tools for analysing texts, focusing on more advanced features of academic writing. The course complements EAP level 1 by analysing some key genres in academic speech and writing as well as discourse and rhetorical features of texts which are common in academic contexts. The course also engages with basic concepts and issues in sociolinguistics and intercultural communication.

Please note that EAP 2 focuses on the academic discourse at a more micro level than EAP 1. The course does not cover basic essay writing skills and, therefore, will be more suitable for those who have already had some experience of academic writing/speaking. EAP 2 will be of particular interest to students who want to improve their awareness of how the text’s audience, purpose and cultural expectations affect its structure and style.

It runs in Semester 1 and Semester 2.

Requirements of Entry

Successful completion of EAS1001 or EAS1002 or overall IELTS of 6.5 (or language proficiency at this level), with recommended 6.5 in writing. Maximum score IELTS 7 in all skills.

The course is open to visiting, study abroad or exchange students; or international, whose first language is not English.

For more information on aims and assessment:

Visit the University Course Catalogue for EAP 2 Semester 1 EAS1003

Visit the University Course Catalogue for EAP 2 Semester 2 EAS1004


search for the courses in the Course Catalogue entering the course names and codes above.

Contact us

If you require further info, please email: regarding EAP 1, regarding EAP 2.